What Is Meditation?

Meditation is a great tool to use when you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, happy, or if you are just trying to practice being more mindful. Meditation isn’t about becoming a new person, a different person , or even a better person. It’s about shifting our awareness and perspective - to view our thoughts and feelings from a different point of view. You’re not trying to turn off your thoughts or feelings. You’re learning to observe them without judgment. And eventually, you may start to experience a comfortable connection of letting go!.

The goal is to not meditate perfectly.

There’s no such thing as perfect meditation. There might be times when your focus will wander or you’ll forget to follow your breath. That’s OKAY! It’s part of the experience. What’s important is to meditate consistently.

What is mindfulness?

What is mindfulness? In short, mindfulness is the ability to be present, to be still in the here and now, fully engaged with whatever you are doing in the moment.

The mind can be an interesting place!

Be kind to yourself. It takes practice to get comfortable with your mind. There might be setbacks along the way but that’s part of meditating. Keep practicing! You’re doing great just by showing up.


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